2022Strata Qld Conference 2022
Had a fantastic time at the Strata Community Associations QLD 2 day conference. Dulux were there with the iconic Dulux dog and also a future Dulux dog, a view cute puppy. The Star Casino was a beautiful location for the vendor stalls, conference sessions, networking event and awards dinner. The SCA events team did a fantastic job of putting together the event and making it a huge success.
What is “Strata” I hear you say? I’m glad you asked.
Strata Community Association (Qld) is the peak industry body for body corporate and community title management (strata management) in Queensland.
Members include body corporate managers (strata managers), support staff, committee members and suppliers of products and services to the industry. In conjunction with industry stakeholders and various educational institutions, SCA (Qld) works to raise the profile of the industry through law reform, education and training. This includes offering continuing professional development opportunities and networking for body corporate managers statewide, as well as information services to keep members updated on current issues.